Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Photos for Recital

Recently, I had a chance to take photos for my friend's flute Recital. It is my first time to take the Recital Photos.

The organisers are very strict. I can only sit on the chair and cannot move around in the hall. Also, they warn me to avoid my camera shutter sound. Luckily, I did some researches earlier. To minimise the camera sound, I bought a sound muffler for my camera and it could reduce around 70% of sound. The sound muffler is like a thick soft case for camera which can absorb the shutter sound.

Since I cannot move freedomly inside the hall. It is also another challenge for me to think how to make the photos different in the same angle.

Here are some photos to share with you. Enjoy.

More photos can be found at:

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