Thursday, October 23, 2008

Model LIke Photography Contribution

This form of photography can be achieved by a tilt and shift lens however most model like photography are created with the use of Photoshop. I have attached some of my model like pictures for your viewing.


William Chan said...

Hi Mervin,

Thanks for your sharing & joining the photoclub. We also visit your album and find a lot of great pictures inside. Please continue to share with us your photo experiences with us.

By the way, can you share with us the photoshop technique to create the model like photography.



Toycarsmy said...

Yes, I wanna to know more on that..

BTW, do you do HDR

mervin boey said...

Thank you guys. I have much to learn from you guys. I can share the workflow but have to document it down. I will get it done when I have much more free time. Yes i do HDR but not much time nowadays to travel around to take pictures.