Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Taken during last month WSIA

Nikon D90, Nikon 18-200mm, ASA800, 70mm, f/5.6, 1/10sec

Nikon D90, Nikon 18-200mm, ASA800, 50mm, f/4.8, 1/15sec

Nikon D90, Nikon 18-200mm, ASA800, 75mm, f/5.6, 1/6sec

Singapore Skyline

Late night @ Singapore River looking at the Skyline of Singapore Business District. The Singapore River you looking at is now our man made fresh water reservoir. It will take a few year before it become fresh water. You can read more from this link

Last building on the right hand side of this picture is GfK Singapore Office located @ 22 floor.

Nikon D90, Tokina 10-17mm, ASA 200, 13mm , f/9, 25sec.

Another photo taken at the Singapore River.

Nikon D90, Nikon 18-200mm, ASA 200, 200mm , f/10, 10sec.

Portrait: Laundry Boy

Description: My son likes to run around before I put him to bath, my solution is to put him in the laundry pail when I'm preparing. This is how he look like while I ground him.

Setting: Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL, F/2.2, 1/60 sec, ISO 1600, Exp -0.3 Step, 50mm.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How are we doing?

Have you wonder how are we doing after a month plus? I have attached the web reports here for your perusal.

Total 1,281 hits and 700 visits over period of 1 month consider acceptable for relatively a new blog.

Table below demonstrates the ranking of our blog based on the key words in Google Search. How you read this is when you search GfK China, our blog will appear in 5th line of the search result. This also means, when you search GfK Photographer you will see it as 1st in the line.

Over 64% of visitors came from referring site, see results below, my blog contributed near 10%, follow by Chris Ting 5.14%.

To make our Club more popular, we need to gain more visitors from Search engine, this to be achieved by more interesting posts and keywords to increase the hits rate.

Lastly, we have visitors from 32 countries, and Hong Kong contributed the most. Second we have Singapore, Malaysia, China follow by Japan in bigger number. Do notice, we have Germany visitors too, not sure is it our colleague from headquarter.

That all for this month reports, I would say everyone is important to keep the Club going.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Tennis Stars

You may not the Tennis fan. However, you probably hear the name of Tennis Stars like John McEnroe, Bjorn Borg, Roger Federer and James Blake. All these four Tennis stars were getting together and had a Tennis show in Macau recently. I was lucky to see this interesting show.

We seated close to the court and the players are not far from us. I mainly use 135mm and 200mm lenses. Instead of using zoom lens, I try to use the prime lenses (lens without zoom). Since we sat next to each other, I couldn't turn left or right easily. Therefore, it is not easy to get the good shots. Anyway, the show is interesting. All these Tennis stars are very friendly and know how to make fun with their fans.

More photos can be found in my album:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A new hiking trail in HK, Enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sai Kung

A morning in Sai Kung, we can see the sunrise. So beautiful.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Will the Lifeguard save me if I get trouble on the sea??? Funny!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Miss International

On last Sat, I went to Macau and took some pictures for the "Miss International Beauty Pageant". (My friend ask me to take some pictures for his website.) I seat next to all reporters but it is very far from the stage. I use 300mm+1.4X but still cannot get the close up shots.


P.S. I guess this will become the most popular album in my photo collection besides the racing queens. Enjoy : )

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fake model photography Tutorial

Hi, I managed to find one good tutorial online. Heres the link.

Fake Model Photography

Singapore River

After data submission, I walk down to Singapore River beside office @ 4am with my Nikon D90+18~200mm len.

I took this picture because of the reflection on the water.

Nikon D90 @ 18mm
15s @ f10
0 EV
ASA 200

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How to Post?

Many of us are new blogging, some members may find no clue to post picture share for the 1st time.

I have some useful information to share with you, it is sufficient to kick start your blogging.

However, to make our Photo Club organize and pleasant, I suggest members label your post for easy reference and sorting.

Here is my suggestion:
1. Please label you name, e.g. myself I use YeoCP//.
- This is easier to sort out post by you and for post counter by member.

2. Please label by type.
- Example, portrait, scenery, sports, etc. Reuse existing labels as much as possible, create new labels only if you find existing is not related.

Oh~, before I forget, here are the links to help your blogging. Looking forward to see your photos.

1. How do I post?

2. Posting & Editing

3. Blogger Help


Monday, November 3, 2008

Ruby Photo

First of all, thanks for everyone who are supporting GfK Photo Club, especially the one sharing their photo experiences in this blog. Keep on your good work!

On last weekend, I had a chance to take pictures for the Ruby sport. This is the first time for me to watch Ruby in live. Bledisloe Cup are two famous Ruby teams competition (Wallabies Australia vs All Blacks New Zealand) and have a long history (since 1931). Even though I am not very familiar to this game, it is still interesting to watch and feel the atmosphere in live (like a big party with near 40,000 audience).

More photos are in my album:

"model like" by photoshop elements

I like the special style "model like" pictures Learn from William's instruction,but unfortunately I have no a tilt shift lens to practice, the only way now the photoshop may help me, fortunately I found the soft photoshop elements in a magazine to teach how to got that, here share my "model like" result with you.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween at Singapore Flyer

Yesterday was Halloween Night so after work I took a slow walk from our Singapore GfK office in One George Street to the Singapore Flyer to take some pictures. The distance from office to the Flyer is around 2km+ and along the way there are many prominent landmarks for photo enthusiasts to take pictures. You could capture the Central Business District View, the Singapore River, the Esplanade, the Merlion and many others.

I carried with me a Nikon D700 camera with a Nikon 16mmf2.8 and a Nikon 24-70f2.8 lenses. I love the fisheye because it has a 180 degree of coverage and as a wide-angle lens archiving great depth-of-view is simple. Simply stop down the lens aperture to around f5.6or f8 and the depth-of-field (zone of sharpness) seems to stretch infinitively! You can get everything from one or two feet away to few meters away all in focus. The characteristically curvature images produced by this lens also give your picture a surreal feel!

Here are some images taken at the Singapore Flyer with my D700 and the Nikon 16mm lens.