Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How to Post?

Many of us are new blogging, some members may find no clue to post picture share for the 1st time.

I have some useful information to share with you, it is sufficient to kick start your blogging.

However, to make our Photo Club organize and pleasant, I suggest members label your post for easy reference and sorting.

Here is my suggestion:
1. Please label you name, e.g. myself I use YeoCP//.
- This is easier to sort out post by you and for post counter by member.

2. Please label by type.
- Example, portrait, scenery, sports, etc. Reuse existing labels as much as possible, create new labels only if you find existing is not related.

Oh~, before I forget, here are the links to help your blogging. Looking forward to see your photos.

1. How do I post?

2. Posting & Editing

3. Blogger Help


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