200mm, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/400s

29mm, ISO 200, f/8, 1/160s

200mm, ISO 200, f/8, 1/100s

200mm, ISO 200, f/8, 1/640s
Special photo community created to exchange ideas and skills between GfK personnel.
Yesterday I was on leave therefore arranged with Mr. Alfred Tan to visit the once a year Sentosa Flowers Festival to take some pictures. There were flowers from many different countries on display and many visitors from all over the world at the Sentosa Flowers Festival. Sometimes I have to wait quite a while for people to clear in order to take a flower from a certain angle but I enjoyed myself overall.
I used my Canon 40D with the 24-105f4 lens for these pictures and sometimes I add a Hoya +3 close-up filter to get closer to the flowers. I cropped all the photos into square format because I would loved to use my Hasselblad camera to photograph flowers but it is too much Hassel and too heavy to lug my Hassy gear there!
If you are flower lover and would like to see the rest of the photos I have taken, please visit my photos webpage at the following URL: http://ctsm88.smugmug.com/gallery/7218829_wcvkZ
Dear Colleagues,
Wishing everyone a prosperous and happy lunar new year!
Canon 40D, 100-400f4.6.
On last week, there was a tennis match which invited some famous Tennis players to HK. As a sports photography lover, I won't miss this chance and took the pictures for this match. For this time, I only used my Canon EOS1DMKIII + 200mmf1.8L. Since the players are not far from us, 200mm is long enough for most situation.
More photos can be found in following link:
Yesterday, I went to Raffles Marina, near the second link between Singapore and Malaysia, hoping to catch a good sunset but to my disappointment, the sky turned cloudy and there was no sunset!
I ended up taking some bird pictures at the Marina. Enclosed is a picture of a Little Heron (Butorides Striatus). It is the same bird taken from different angles. I merged two photos to form this picture in Photoshop CS2. The wordings were created using Photoscape software. You can download a free copy of Photoscape from www.photoscape.org.
Camera: Canon 40D
Lens: Canon 100-400f5.6
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/125s @ f8
This is the first picture I took in 2009. It was taken on 1st January 2009 at 0001hr. Most of the places with good view of the firework were packed with people so I ended up choosing a less popular area to photograph the firework!
I used a Nikon D300 with a Nikon AF18-200mm lens for this shot. The camera is set to ISO 200, f11 and Bulb mode.
I've passed the 870IS to my Uncle last week. Total price HK$2380 (US$305 +/-) with some bundle item (see first picture). Here are some test photo for your interest. ^^ enjoy!