Sunday, February 15, 2009

Regional Operations Conference 2009

We have this every beginning of the year, but this year did it in slightly different way. The agenda this year focus more on the upcoming changes for the Operations team and the moving forward plans.

The Conference having more discussion sessions this years between the team members and the HODs. This concept encourage team members to speak up their opinions and concerns on the new changes ahead.

Feedback have been discussed and summarised openly, I guess this will keep HODs busying for whole year. Let's work together towards the same goal.

Kevin giving a opening speech.

Team members listening on the discussion topics, ready for actions.

HOD discussing on the feedback collected from the team members.

4 smiling ladies, left to right, Carmen, Louis, Joan and Sabrina.

1 comment:

Othy said...

Why Valarie looked so fierce in our group photo??